Medellín alcanzó la ocupación hotelera más alta de su historia

Medellín reached the highest hotel occupancy in its history

The city registered a 49% growth in international passenger arrivals, going from 900 thousand in 2019 to 1.3 million in 2022.

Medellín has the best air connectivity in its history, since most international tourists come from countries such as: United States, Panama, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Spain, Chile and Ecuador. Which result in an increase in beds of 48.8%, that is, from 31 thousand in 2019 to 45 thousand in 2022.

According to the report from the Colombian Hotel and Tourism Association, the preferred area for foreigners is El Poblado. For their part, the nationals opt for the Center and Laureles-Estadio. On the other hand, by the end of 2022 the city had a hotel occupancy of 77%, a historic figure for the city, according to the Annual Statistical Report of the Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia (COTELCO), which establishes that 53. 1% of the guests were foreigners and 46.9% were nationals.

“At Cotelco Antioquia we are very happy with last year's closing figure. Medellín is considered a very important destination for foreigners and nationals. Today we have the Smart Tourist Destination and this makes the attractions more interesting for people. We had large-scale concerts last year, it also makes the economy move and all sectors such as shopping centers, restaurants and bars are activated. We hope that this occupation will continue to occur this year.” said the director of Cotelco, Sandra Restrepo.

Also, the Secretary of Economic Development, Mauricio Valencia, announces that “Achieving the highest hotel occupancy in the entire history of Medellín means that so many tourists have never arrived, who come to do business, to invest and, most importantly, to live.” our city, not only during Christmas and Flower Fair times. We have a vibrant offer throughout the year, with great events, a cultural and gastronomic agenda and new tourist products.”

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